
gardening & design

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We are so thankful for the exquisite garden we get to experience every day thanks to Melissa!

— Patty and Fred Green, Buck's Restaurant

As a young adult I wanted to have a career in something I was passionate about. I've always loved being outdoors and I spent the majority of my life as a kid outside, creating beautiful spaces. I'm now lucky to have a career as a gardener, where I get to be creative and be outdoors with nature.

My business creates garden designs uniquely tailored to each space. Otherwise, my crew and I also help maintain or freshen up the existing garden spaces. In either case our goal is the same: to highlight outdoor spaces with the beauty of nature.

In order to deliver the best possible results, I review the outdoor spaces I'm working with, taking note on the pros and cons of each space and listen for what the client is looking for. I take pictures of the space and have the owners send pictures of the gardens that inspire them. Working with the information in hand, I apply my design principles, making sure the garden design fits with the home's architecture.

Please read more if you want to know more detail into my design process!

If you are interested in turning your outdoor space into a beautiful and inspiring garden, contact us!

And please check out all our other services.