
gardening & design

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Garden Design Services

If you are looking to add a garden space to your home or business, then you are in the right place! Continue below to see my process.

Our Process

  • Step 0 image
    Gather Details & Survey

    First it is important that we have a clear understanding on your style, purpose of the garden, budget, and your time frame. We collect data on the space, such as soil conditions, lighting, drainage, snow removal, future projects that could interfere with the space, making sure there are no hidden pipes or buried electric lines, ect.

  • Step 1 image

    Once rough ideas are decided and collected, I take photos of the space and begin to draft some designs

  • Step 2 image

    Then either in person, by text, or by email we discuss in more detail based on the drafted designs. Finally once you are happy with the outlines of the space that I have designed, we begin selecting plants and materials for the space.

  • Step 3 image
    Install Hardscape

    After this has been finalized, we search for another party to install the Hardscape if such has been planned (decking, patios, rock walls, steps, fencing, elevation and drainage issues). Since our team is focused on the garden design, we must hire out for this portion of the project.

  • Step 4 image
    Prepare the Garden

    Once this has been completed, we prepare the garden beds for planting, installing plants and drip irrigation as necessary.